The best cyber-attack protection is a timely backup! COSMONOVA|NET: cloud-based platform of successful business in Ukraine and Europe.

You are an entrepreneur! Your business is a continuous high-speed online connection, financial and personal data exchange, constant real-time monitoring and concentration!

Why is it necessary? It’s quite simple, since it is the next developmental level of a rational leader understanding difference in the drawbacks of free online services that we currently observe in great numbers.

High technological effectiveness of business cloud resolves the issue of rational allocation of IT infrastructure for many years to come, and the flexible system promptly responds to the slightest changes in your tasks according to the market conditions, by means of optimal personal cloud scaling and arrangement of additional engineering solutions.

COSMONOVA|NET business cloud has been created in order to ensure sustained performance of the top options and necessary services for the key customers specifying the highest requirements to the quality of IT services. To ensure maximum level of fault tolerance, COSMONOVA|NET cloud is arranged at the geographically distributed sites with data mirroring between them.

  • Persistent internet channels
  • Direct connections to the main Internet Exchange Points
  • Multi-level power redundancy system and many other features

We point out: trend of the best cyber-attack protection is a timely backup of numerous data. Information availability from any part of the world, reliability and economic benefit is a formula for success of COSMONOVA|NET technology solutions, and in special cases, there is available confidential data migration to the business cloud in Europe where these data will be protected by the current European legislation.

International business cloud!

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