COSMONOVA|NET - technical support for the broadcast of the Ukrainian version of Junior Eurovision 2018 Final in HD format

On November 25 final of Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2018 was successfully held in Minsk. Within the framework of cooperation between UA:FIRST and COSMONOVA|NET, we implemented broadcast of the Ukrainian version of this international event in HD quality.

COSMONOVA|NET installed server hardware at the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine beforehand so that SDI-HD could be taken without any agents. Signal was transferred via fiber optic lines to DC|COSMONOVA, and then it was divided into SDN streamers from which it was broadcast live to the required receiving points of the customer, with obligatory backup.

In addition, on-air video switcher options were widely used. The switcher was integrated into the reception path of TV Channel UA: FIRST and that permitted to get signals from different sources on the air. With the help of video switcher, we made use of multiwindow video and audio monitoring mode. This solution also enabled to combine several video streams in real time connecting them with visuals, and to add visual effects and logos. We customized remote switcher control especially for the UA: FIRST engineers.

To transfer signal to the web player, its parameters were converted and it was transformed into three quality types (HD – 4Mb, Middle – 2Mb, SD – 1Mb), for that purpose COSMONOVA|NET used transcoding platform.

The resource was allocated from the broadcasting cluster to the Internet, with bandwidth of 50 Gb/s. (UA)

We successfully applied adaptive web player solutions with advertising block functions and geoblocking features.

COSMONOVA|NET delivers signal to a large number of operators.

To sum up, we’d like to emphasize the opportunity to watch broadcast of the international event that millions of viewers had owing to the professional capabilities of UA: FIRST and COSMONOVA|NET.

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