File System Ceph Introduced In Cosmonova Cloud

In December 2015 Cosmonova cloud was transferred to ceph file system.

What is ceph?

Ceph is a distributed file system giving high fault tolerance and data security. Cloud based on this technology helps ensure continuous operation even in case of failure of individual units in the file system because it provides automatic real time re-balancing of data masses between all available units of the system.
This introduced innovation will allow to increase fault tolerance of the cloud as a whole and services based on it. It should be mentioned that the transfer happened without interfering with operations of Cosmonova clients as the process was implemented in real-time — without downtime.
Currently this system is not widespread as its implementation is resource consuming: ceph requires at least thee time backup of all units. Still, Cosmonova data-center was one of the first to implement the system for its cloud which will result in a new quality level.

cloud ceph


What does it mean for clients of Cosmonova cloud?

Since scheme of the file system includes fast SSD drives all services in the cloud get enhanced performance while multiple backup ensures unimpeded work.
Enjoy all the benefits of updated cloud from Cosmonova company. Contact us: +380 44 359-00-00,, and our managers will consult you about how to transfer your product to Cosmonova cloud.
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