What is VDS

VDS is a data center service of providing virtual server.

VDS entirely imitates physical server with an option to install various software and operating systems. It ranks among cloud-based services.

It is no longer possible to imagine modern digital world without global cloud-based services. Virtualization technology and architecture of cloud solutions may be substantially different, and this point should be taken into account beforehand when choosing optimal facilities to match specific project.

Virtual Dedicated Server is a single option for the present-day companies and projects since it is capable of being promptly deployed and it does not require purchase and maintenance of professional equipment. In addition, it provides enhanced security of the resources allocated, usability and other benefits unlocking maximum potential of the cloud solutions.

Main advantages

VDS is based on the physical servers with the use of full range of available hardware and software tools. The result is that such virtual machine has resources of a fully-featured physical machine fitted with unique configuration and control panel.

Let’s mention undeniable benefits:

  • Safety;
  • Reliability;
  • Resources belong to only one user;
  • Operating system does not depend on the platform architecture of physical machine, it is possible to launch several kernels;

User reliably receives:

  1. Root access, complete control.
  2. ВPossibilities to enable user-owned software and operating system, install uniquely designed libraries, combine programming languages, determine domain number, as well as create subdomains and a whole series of other tasks.
  3. Minimum limitations and full independence from the cloud neighbors.

DC|COSMONOVA employs KVM virtualization technology making it possible to create a complete analog of physical server.

VDS server is considered perfect for:

  1. Storage and backup of critical information;
  2. 1С hosting and financial applications;
  3. Software deployment and complex project management;
  4. Deployment of different services: IP telephony, CRM, etc.
  5. Work on the distant sites connected to Internet.

Cost and user options

VDS server is a reasonable cost, opportunity to order and use as many resources as necessary for a project at present.

Cost of virtual dedicated server rental is determined by the capacity of physical machine on the basis of which VDS was built. However, it should be reminded that amount of disc space and RAM space are limited and may be increased upon request.

The fact remains that VDS permits to create high-performance systems built on fast and spacious HDDs and SSDs. For example, DC|COSMONOVA makes use of only IBM branded equipment. 24-hour support and stated uptime (99.98%) of the data center ensure high-quality and trouble-free operation of the strategic infrastructure.

There is equally important option to rent virtual server at the foreign platforms deployed by COSMONOVA|NET in the world’s TIER3 level data centers.

A priori well-arranged virtual integrated protection against DDOS attacks rules out the possibility of customer data hacking, theft or virus infection. When choosing VDS service a customer gets a free competent consultation. In addition, pursuant to SLA (Service Level Agreement) service provider may take on the Administration process.

VDS service is perfectly suited for:

  • high-load websites;
  • game servers;
  • online shopping projects;
  • data resources;
  • programming, software testing;
  • private corporate projects with strict data security and confidentiality requirements.

DC|COSMONOVA offers optimal conditions on the Ukrainian market with respect to the price/quality ratio, as well as high-tech products for solving primary objectives in the B2B & B2G segments.

Charges, as well as connection price are expectedly steady: virtual server from 420 hrn/month, depending on the performance required.

Virtual dedicated server – DC|COSMONOVA offers its customers individual charges and discounts for this kind of service. Payment variation, it provides for the possible payment in any appropriate way.

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