How to Monetize Online Broadcast of the TV Channel on the Website?

About 30% of Ukrainian TV channels broadcast on their websites. On the one hand, this expands the channel's audience, since not everyone can watch the channel anywhere they wish, but the Internet is always at hand. On the other hand, live-streaming can bring additional income. We all saw YouTube monetizing other people's content in different ways, so can a channel earn online?

The first thing we'll talk about is an additional monetization of the broadcast on the website of the TV channel. Broadcasting on the site is a separate channel for the consumption of TV content where it is possible to single out a separate audience. The channel can additionally monetize its online broadcast that can be placed on any website.

How does it look on the side of the channel’s online viewer?

The channel allows the viewer to consume its content online without being dependent on the TV device. The viewer comes to the website, presses the coveted play button and watches the channel's broadcast, but before that, he is shown an advertisement consisting of one or more videos with the ability to skip the commercial after the mandatory viewing time - typically 5 seconds (varies according to the advertiser's request). Most often, advertisers try to fit the essence of their message into this required preview of 5 seconds, and if the viewer is interested, he/she will watch the video to the end. Then the user is shown the actual channel broadcast.

Cosmonova has developed a solution for TV channels - a module which enables TV channels to use their online broadcasts as an additional advertising platform for advertisers.

How does it look on the side of the user (TV channel)?

The user is provided with a web interface for managing advertising. The user uploads all scheduled clips and/or advertising in the required format by separate clips in the administration panel. The time line is determined automatically and stored in the provider’s cloud. Playlists are created from the uploaded clips, and the time and date of showing certain playlists are set. For example, one playlist is shown from Monday to Tuesday, and the other from Tuesday to Thursday. This is our block, which was sold for this period, this is a block that was sold for another period, etc. The priority of showing clips is set in the playlists. The time after which the Skip button appears is set at the request of the advertiser.

The channels receive a tool to display ads and monetize their live broadcast. And regardless of the device used to watch the broadcast, the viewer will see the advertisement planned for online display.

Statistics is Everything

After advertisement is displayed in the online broadcast, the views and the number of “skips” is counted. You can also view advanced statistics, which will allow you to evaluate the behavior and relevance of online viewers, as well as provide a complete overview of the target audience.

Interaction in the channel’s online stream?! – Easy!

The first thing you need to know is that any video can contain a link to an advertised page. But, as they say, online in not only about links! With our module’s help, you can use any media elements with an alpha channel, which can be superimposed on the channel’s broadcast. But that's not all — using this module, the channel can create an online poll for its viewers!

 Monetizing past broadcast?! – You can do it!

Channels as content producers have a lot of archives that viewers can watch on the site - Video-On-Demand content consumption model. With the help of the Cosmonova solution, the channel can also use its past content as an advertising platform. Here, in addition to pre-roll advertising you can also add post-roll, which will expand the advertising space of the channel.

The channel can also use our module to display mid-roll advertising. For example, during a commercial break, all online viewers are shown an advertising playlist specially prepared for them. This feature can be realized based on the customer’s technical task.

Need something special?! – Your wish is our command!

This solution is not limited to the above mentioned features. It can be changed in accordance to the customer’s preferences:

- automated display of commercials (specific ranking of advertising content and display principles, etc.)

- collection of specific statistics of advertisement views in the channel’s online player.

Conclusion: What do TV channels get with the advertisement module?

- additional advertising platform

- new advertising opportunities for advertisers

- interactive opportunities for both own and adverisers’ projects

- monetization of online broadcast

And one more vital point to bear in mind - advertising in the Cosmonova is not blocked by AdBlock!

In addition, regular browser updates that may interfere with the performance of third-party players are promptly tackled by our development department.

For more information, please contact us at

Cosmonova is an experienced operator in TV signal delivery to IP (we deliver more than 45 channels to IP and work with more than 120 carriers/operators). Our portfolio includes the organization of online broadcasts of Eurovision, the World Cup, the Olympic Games and other large-scale events. Cosmonova also provides a set of technological solutions for TV channels and carriers/operators -, its own data center, cloud platforms, Internet service provision for businesses and IP telephony

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