Live online broadcast of the 2018 Winter Olympics for the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine.

The National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine (NPBCU) contacted COSMONOVA|NET with the technical assignment to implementing the online broadcast of the events taking place at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games.

The IT leader successfully transcoded four simultaneous HD-SDI signals from the NPBCU, in three qualities for each stream, with the application of the branded event logo. The signal was distributed using a reliable CDN (Content Delivery Network) of COSMONOVA|NET.

The broadcasting took place February 9-25, 2018 in the Pyeongchang Olympic complex in South Korea, and was remembered by the audience as an amazing sporting event, uniting the two parts of Korea under the common flag for the first time in many years!

This time, Ukraine sent 33 contenders and the audience could watch their favorite athletes on partner resources:

Thanks to the effective work of COSMONOVA|NET, the online broadcast of the 2018 Winter Olympics had been watched by over 300,000 viewers.

It is not the first time the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine turned to COSMONOVA|NET for help. The NPCU achieved invariably successful results through professional teamwork of the IT leader.

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