PBX service

Cosmonova provides complex integration of PBX service:

  • Integration of digital SIP protocol based PBX as well as traditional hybrid PBX.
  • Binding branch offices with a single PBX with free intercom and shared access to outgoing telephone lines.
  • Interconnection of autonomous PBXs of partners or vendor-buyer companies with free intercom lines to avoid bills for ongoing telephone traffic.  
  • PBX outsourcing: subscribers may use Cosmonova service for all required PBX features.
  • Data & PSTN uplink for Your PBX.
  • PBX features extension converged subscriber interface.

Our advantages:

High quality and reliability.

Cost saving when turning outgoing calls into free intercom.

Easy use and management.

Scalability with easy lines addition regardless of location.

Our customers

Companies on the edge of technology, using the most advanced business & communication tools.

Partner companies or supplier-vendor companies, who have significant mutual telephone traffic and wish to avoid such traffic related costs.

Start-up companies and IT outsourcers.

Wide geography corporations.

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