Cooperation Between Cosmonova And Argest Group Goes Further
With Cosmonova's services, Argest Group adapted technical side of its product to the growing demands of online service market.

Starting point

Argest Group is the developer of online ticket service, which saves time and makes life more convenient. The company is the largest player on the market and works with many agents, such as, for example, Privatbank and Ukrposhta. Argest Group company also implements innovative solutions in the sphere of rail and bus transportation.
Argest Group has been Cosmonova's client for some time already.
According to analysts at Argest Group, over 2015 railway ticket sale outside ticket windows increased by 2.8 times! Such dynamic sphere growth gave the opportunity for

cooperation between Cosmonova and Argest Group

to rise to a new level.


In order to respond fast to market demands and provide maximum fault tolerance the client decided to develop the services with both physical capabilities and cloud computing of Cosmonova company.


At the initial stage of implementing technologies, thanks to Cosmonova, Argest Group eliminated the need for extra concerns about backup infrastructure as Cosmonova cloud is situated on geographically different locations, and so reservation is already carried out. Also, there is no need to take care of backups, since they are already included in our standard scheme.
Using Cosmonova cloud, our client has discovered its exceptional reliability and performance speed. Moreover, further development of the product in the cloud will be convenient and fast, as well as it crosses out the need to purchase additional equipment.
Apart from using Cosmonova data-center, Argest Group company enjoys the benefits of our office internet service. There are also negotiations about expanding the list of services as single service provider may improve IT-infrastructure of the client company.


We understand that success of our clients' projects depends to a large extent on quality cooperation between the companies as partners: top-notch technical support, flexible approach to developing solutions and holistic take on completing objectives, and thus we are ready to provide service at the level that meets clients' requirements.
According to Argest Group data, it is expected that in 2016 online ticket sales market will grow by 54%. On our end, we are ready to deliver a full range of high quality services so that the company could adapt to growing demands of consumers and market conditions.
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