«Current Time» TV Channel appeared in HD format within the framework of СOSMONOVA|NET TV platform.

Dear partners - operators

We are glad to inform that Current Time TV Channel appeared in HD format within the framework of СOSMONOVA|NET TV platform. We offer you to enter into conditionally free* contract for rebroadcasting Current Time TV Channel with Cosmonova, LLC and receive IP stream of this TV channel (HD - h.264, SD - h.264, SD - MPEG2).

Current Time is 24-hour television and internet broadcast oriented towards Russian-speaking audience in Russia, countries of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as all over the world. Current Time TV Channel programs are made jointly by Radio Liberty / Radio Free Europe and Voice of America.

24-hour TV channel creation initiative occurred after the launch of Current Time news program in 2014, that is nowadays broadcasted via more than 30 different mass media throughout the world and has gained over 100 million views.

Current Time is an independent mass medium funded by the United States Congress via the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). US law in force commits to provide the viewers and readers with truthful, impartial and professionally prepared materials.

To the representatives of American government including the Head of Broadcasting Board of Governors. Read more at https://www.currenttime.tv/

If you are interested in rebroadcasting of this TV channel, you may contact СOSMONOVA|NET at telephone number +380443590000.

Increase of operator’s package due to the extension of list of high-quality TV channels in HD format is the increased appeal of operator for the potential clients.

You may familiarize yourself with COSMONOVA|NET decisions for the operators at the link

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